Wednesday, 6 December 2006

The Rocky Horror Experience Scenario

Dave is a big Rocky Horror Show fan, a few months before the Shows UK tour starts Dave purchases two tickets for the first night of the London leg of the Show's tour.

A month before the Show Dave recieves his tickets, with them is a letter with a message "Text this number now to begin your Rocky Horror Experience" (or something similar). Once texting the number Dave recieves an application for his mobile phone which recieves news feeds in the run up to the show (basically the application is an instant RSS reader).

In the month leading up to the show every few days Dave recieves a new news item with facts about the Rocky Horror Show, the cast and suggestions for Audience Participation. Finally a few days before the show Dave recieves a news item with details of a Rocky Horror Singalong Flash Mob event, with a number of meeting times and places and instructions for how to use the Rocky Horror Experience (RHE) application to recieve songwords during the singalong, it also tells him to take some photos of the even on his mobile phone if he gets the chance. Dave then logs on to a Rocky Horror fansite forum to discuss this new, exciting event.

On the day of the show Dave and his friend get the train into London in full Rocky Horror costume. The Show begins at 7.30pm, but the first Flash Mob singalong is happening at 5pm outside a pub a few streets away from the theatre.

At 4.55pm Dave and his friend reach the pub where the first singalong is happening, a group of Rocky Horror fans in costume have already began to gather outside, Dave and his friend join the group and wait until 5pm with their mobile phone's ready with bluetooth switched on and their RHE applications open. At 5pm they recieve the lyrics of the first line of "Sweet Transvestite" at the same time as everyone else gathered in the area, so everyone begins to sing as each line of the song appears on their RHE application. When the song ends the RHE group go into the pub they were standing outside for a few drinks until it's time to move to the next meeting place. While in the pub Dave finds and connects to the bluetooth point that sent out the lyrics and sends a couple of the photos he's taken.

The next meeting time is 6pm outside a pub closer to the theatre, the same series of events occurs as before, this time with the song "Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me". Also this time the group is larger, due to other memebers of the RHE group contacting friends who are on their way to the show and passing on details of the Singalongs and telling them how much fun the first one was. As before the group go into the pub they're standing outside until it's time for the final singalong, and again Dave bluetooths a few photos to the RHE bluetooth point.

The final singalong occurs at 7pm outside the theatre, as before the group gathers with their RHE applications ready, this time the lyrics for "The Time Warp" appear on the application. Then the group enter the theatre to watch the Show.

After the Show on the train home Dave recieves a news item to his RHE application giving him an estimate of how many people took part in the Singalong, it also tells him that over the next few days he will be sent some of the best photos taken by the participants.